Please Be Normal (2015)

Victor is a struggling playwright and theater director and his girlfriend Mary is expecting their first child. He has a temporary job in construction to make ends meet, but the dusty, dirty job exhaus...ts him. Across town, Mary is a manager in a tony Madison Avenue boutique. The young couple is about to move out of their bohemian apartment in Brooklyn to the suburbs, all funded by Mary's father. As Dad keeps buying buying them things they could never afford, Victor's sense of entrapment grows. His inner struggle to meet their expectations seems to be guiding him towards a way of life he is unwilling to accept. more

  • Haik Kocharian

  • Haik Kocharian

Release Date: 2015-03-20
themoviedb icon 1 2 3 4 5 4/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 89

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