Two Long Hoots in the Fog (1981)

In a deserted tundra on the lake, a seaplane makes an emergency landing, on board of which bank collectors carry a large amount of money. A storm begins and the plane relates to the river delta. An unknown person steals money from an airplane and kills a geologist, an accidental witness. And a few days later the ship departs from the northern port for the last navigation voyage, where a recidivist hides among the motley company of passengers, and the captain begins his own investigation...

  • Vladimir Rodchenko
  • Валерий Родченко

  • Edgar Dubrovsky
  • Эдгар Дубровский

Release Date: 1981-07-20
themoviedb icon 5.5/10
  • Country: SU
  • Language: Pусский
  • Runtime: 80

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