Gerimis Mengundang (2012)

This movie adaptation of the popular theatre musical "Gerimis Mengundang" tells the story of a young man who is a pilot, played by Malaysian newcomer Kamal Adli. A chance meeting with the daughter of the Indonesia embassy officer who is played by Olivia Jensen Lubis, leads to a romance sparking between the two. However, with their different societal standings, will the two star-crossed lovers end up together?

  • Ahmad Idham

Release Date: 2012-05-31
  • Country: MY
  • Language: Bahasa melayu
  • Runtime: 98

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Cat Farish
Cat Farish
Perwakilan Malaysia
Kamal Adli
Kamal Adli
Eizlan Yusof
Eizlan Yusof
Perwakilan Malaysia
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