The Thin Red Line (1964)

Set during the Allied invasion of the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific theater during WWII, this film is based on the novel by James Jones. Keir Dullea is Private Doll, who dreads the invasion and steals a pistol to help him protect himself. Sergeant Welsh (Jack Warden), a caustic, battle-scarred veteran, hates Doll, whom he considers a coward. In battle, Doll kills a Japanese soldier and is filled with remorse, which further angers the sergeant. The next day, an emboldened Doll wipes out an entire enemy machine gun post and begins to feel as sadistic as Welsh. The two must work together to clear away some mines, but as they do, their platoon is surprised by a Japanese raid.

  • Andrew Marton

  • Bernard Gordon
  • James Jones

Release Date: 1964-05-02
themoviedb icon 5.9/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: 日本語 | English | Deutsch
  • Runtime: 99

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Kieron Moore
Kieron Moore
Lt. Band
Jack Warden
Jack Warden
First Sgt. Welsh
Keir Dullea
Keir Dullea
Pvt. Doll
James Philbrook
James Philbro...
Col. Tall
Steve Rowland
Steve Rowland
Stephen Young
Stephen Young
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson
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