Image of Pierre Collin

Pierre Collin

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Pierre Collin. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jul 18, 1938 In Montréal, Québec, Canada
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie L'absence 1976-10-21
Latest Project:
Movie And the Birds Rained Down 2019-09-13
Known For
Poster of Unite 9
Poster of Father and Guns
Poster of How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause
Movie And the Birds Rained Down Mari feux 2019-09-13
Movie Ego Trip Jean Morin 2015-07-08
Movie Henri Henri Noé 2014-11-07
Series Unite 9 Yvon Lamontagne 2012-09-11
Movie Columbarium Marcel 2012-11-09
Movie Ésimésac Lorenzo Deziel 2012-11-10
Movie A Sense of Humor Père Gendron 2011-07-08
Movie Father and Guns Père Grano - Antoine 2009-07-08
Movie Aurore Gédéon Gagnon 2005-07-08
Movie The Outlander Pierre-Côme Provençal 2005-04-22
Movie Novena Prêtre confident 2005-08-26
Movie Saint Martyrs of the Damned Raoul Bosh 2005-10-14
Movie Dans une galaxie près de chez vous, le film Le Devin - Heul Savè 2004-04-09
Movie Bittersweet Memories Le docteur 2004-12-17
Movie How My Mother Gave Birth to Me During Menopause Rocco 2003-02-07
Movie Seducing Doctor Lewis Yvon Brunet 2003-05-20
Movie Karmina 2 Le Baron 2001-07-13
Movie Maelström Priest 2000-09-15
Movie Post Mortem Lieutenant Bélanger 1999-03-28
Movie L'absence 1976-10-21
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