Image of Humberto Solórzano

Humberto Solórzano

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Humberto Solórzano. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
May 7, 1957 In Mexico City, Distrito Federal
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Pachito Rex: I'm Leaving but Not for Good 2001-11-09
Latest Project:
Movie Ad Absurdum 2024-06-14
Known For
Poster of Ad Absurdum
Poster of Gaturro 3D
Poster of The Legend of La Llorona
Poster of Pachito Rex: I'm Leaving but Not for Good
Movie Ad Absurdum Unknown 2024-06-14
Movie Gaturro 3D Canturro (voice) 2017-05-13
Movie The Legend of La Llorona Padre Tiro / Pujo (voice) 2011-10-21
Movie El Tigre de Santa Julia Silverio Curiel 2002-09-27
Movie Pachito Rex: I'm Leaving but Not for Good Riverol 2001-11-09
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