Image of János Koltai

János Koltai

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for János Koltai. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jun 8, 1935 In Budapest, Hungary
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Lost Paradise 1962-08-12
Latest Project:
Movie Hungarians 1978-06-22
Known For
Movie Hungarians Francia fogoly 1978-06-22
Movie Blindfold 1974-08-11
Movie Dead Landscape Priest 1972-04-06
Movie Agnus Dei Szakállas vörös tiszt 1971-04-22
Movie Judgement Lõrinc pap 1970-04-16
Movie Baptism 1968-04-01
Movie Silence and Cry Peasant 1968-06-12
Movie Late Season 1967-02-23
Movie The Round-Up Varjú Béla 1966-01-06
Movie The Sack Török Mihály 1966-04-15
Movie A Hungarian Nabob 2: Karpathy Zoltan Adam Clark 1966-12-22
Movie Cold Days Adolf Gottlieb 1966-09-26
Movie My Way Home Hazatérõ zsidó 1965-01-14
Movie No Love, Please Waiter 1965-12-02
Movie Cantata Iván Kovács 1963-02-28
Movie New Gilgames 1963-03-02
Movie The Lost Paradise 1962-08-12
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