Image of Aleksandr Vokach

Aleksandr Vokach

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Aleksandr Vokach. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 21, 1926 In Москва, СССР (Россия)
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie King Lear 1970-12-15
Latest Project:
Movie Was There Karotin? 1990-05-25
Known For
Poster of Perfect Crime
Poster of The Sparkling World
Poster of The Kiss
Movie Perfect Crime Lamont - Audrey's father 1990-05-21
Movie Was There Karotin? Лапа-Стриженовский 1990-05-25
Movie Lady with a Parrot кардиолог 1988-06-01
Movie The Spy 1987-09-11
Movie The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1986-06-02
Movie My Dearly Beloved Detective James, president of the bachelors club 1986-11-03
Movie Gruz Bez Markirovki канадец 1984-06-06
Movie The Sparkling World Grantom 1984-09-27
Movie The Kiss генерал фон Раббек 1983-10-22
Movie The Scandalous Affairs of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon Henry Moon 1981-04-25
Movie Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin Balashov 1981-09-01
Movie Little Nothings of Life хозяин квартиры 1980-01-01
Movie The Hijacking of 'Savoy' Welt 1979-01-01
Movie Rally Administrator 1978-06-06
Movie Cousin Pons 1978-01-28
Movie The Cure Against Fear Bogolepov 1978-11-06
Movie Velvet Season Mayor 1978-12-08
Movie Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained 1977-06-06
Movie The Magic Skin 1975-09-11
Movie Escape of Mr. McKinley Баренс 1975-12-15
Movie Last Summer of Childhood Зимин, главный инженер 1975-11-07
Movie Dombey & Son 1974-09-04
Movie Flight Is Postponed Linevsky, a passenger flying to Odessa 1974-11-02
Movie Land, Poste Restante investigator de Leo 1973-03-26
Movie The Chronicle of the Night 1973-06-04
Movie Country House 1973-06-18
Movie This Merry Planet Пал Палыч - затейник 1973-12-31
Movie Northern Crusades riteris Hirchalsas, Kotrynos brolis 1972-12-14
Movie King Lear Cornwall 1970-12-15
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