Bharani is an Indian film actor who has appeared in Tamil language films. After making his debut in Balaji Sakthivel's college drama Kalloori (2007), he made a breakthrough with his role as an eccentric Madurai-based youngster in Samuthirakani's buddy film Naadodigal (2009). He has since appeared in leading and supporting roles in films including Thoonga Nagaram (2011) and Netru Indru (2014).
Movie | Thanal | 2026 | |
Movie | Aneethi | 2023-07-21 | |
Movie | Sync | Youtuber | 2023-07-21 |
Movie | Bayama Irukku | Raj | 2017-09-22 |
Movie | Netru Indru | 2014-06-19 | |
Movie | Naadodigal | Rangapaandi Azhagusundaram | 2009-06-26 |
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