Image of Damien Kearney

Damien Kearney

Damian Kear­ney most recently appeared in the Abbey Theatre’s pro­duc­tion of Emma, directed by Claire O’Reilly. Screen cred­its include Harry Wild 2 (dir. Emer Con­roy); Her­self (dir. Phyl­l­ida Lloyd); The Wind that Shakes the Bar­ley (dir. Ken Loach); Love/​Hate (dir. David Caffrey/​Anthony Byrne). Stage cred­its include Stones in His Pock­ets (dir. Ian McEl­hin­ney, Gai­ety The­atre); at the Abbey The­atre, Oedi­pus (dir. Wayne Jor­dan); This Beau­ti­ful Vil­lage (dir. David Horan); The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui and The Gov­ern­ment Inspec­tor (dir. Jimmy Fay); The Com­edy of Errors (dir. Jason Byrne); Richard II (Michael Barken-​Caven); for Cheek By Jowl, Troilus & Cres­sida (dir. Declan Don­lan); Ham­let; Julius Cae­sar; Love In A Wood at the RSC; and his self-​penned The Flam­boy­ant Bird (dir. Char­lie Bon­ner, Fisham­ble). He also recently appeared in The Sum­mer I Robbed a Bank (dir. Sophie Mot­ley) at the Every­man The­atre, as part of Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val. Adapted by Mark O’Doherty, it is based on the orig­i­nal book by David O’Doherty. Damian trained at RADA.

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In Dublin, Ireland
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series The Fitz 2000-08-04
Latest Project:
Movie Sound & Colour 2023-07-14
Known For
Poster of Herself
Poster of The Tudors
Poster of The Wind That Shakes the Barley
Poster of The Fitz
Movie Sound & Colour Lawrence 2023-07-14
Movie Herself Homeless Man in Car Park 2020-11-26
Movie Insatiable Sgt Kenny 2008-08-02
Series The Tudors William Webbe 2007-04-01
Movie The Wind That Shakes the Barley Finbar 2006-06-23
Series The Fitz Postman 2000-08-04
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